







50k registered users

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20 / 12 / 2021

Croatian Fact-Checker Faktograf reports cyber attacks and threats following criticism from a...

A three-day cyber attack attempted to block their website by overloading it with more than 100 million connections. They have reported more than 40...

16 / 12 / 2021

Maldita Tecnología wins the V ESET Journalism and Information Security Disclosure Award for a...

Maldita Tecnología wins the V ESET Journalism and Information Security Disclosure Award for a program on its Twitch

10 / 12 / 2021

Six European fact-checkers and organizations investigating disinformation will guide the process to...

AFP (France) Correctiv (Germany) Demagog (Poland) Pagella Politica/ Facta (Italy) and EU DisinfoLab (Belgium) led by Fundación (Spain)...

01 / 12 / 2021 participates in the 'III Journalist Meeting Africa-Spain' held in Nairobi (Kenya)

From December 1th until December 3th and other Spanish fact-checking media participate in the III Journalist Meeting Africa Spain that...

25 / 11 / 2021

Maldita Migración wins the APDHE 2021 award in the 'communication and culture' category

Maldita Migración has won the APDHE 2021 award on its 45th anniversary in the ‘Communication and culture’ category for the «work carried...

17 / 11 / 2021

Why the Foundation participates in the creation of a new self-regulation code against...

The current code has fallen short and is too vague we want to help improve it. The European Commission is committed to strengthening it including...

16 / 11 / 2021

Maldita Educa awarded by PantallasAmigas for its work in Media and Digital Literacy

Maldita Educa has received the PantallasAmigas award which the organization gives for its work in Media and Digital Literacy. The team coordinating...

16 / 11 / 2021

Maldita Ciencia receives the Boehringer Ingelheim Award for Journalism and Health Dissemination for...

This Tuesday November 16th Maldita Ciencia received the Boehringer Ingelheim Award for Journalism and Health Dissemination in the category of Best...

27 / 10 / 2021

The Master's Degree in Journalism from and URJC kicks off with the collaboration of seven...

The Master’s Degree in Investigative Journalism New Narratives Data Fact-Checking and Transparency by the Foundation and Rey Juan...

25 / 10 / 2021

Maldita Educa launches a website with all our educational resources to fight disinformation

At we believe that the fight against lies is won with data verified facts and education. That’s why to celebrate Global Media and...

21 / 10 / 2021

80% of' denials focused on the pandemic between March and December 2020 according to a...

Disinformation seeks to affect current affairs adapting to the topics on the media agenda to contaminate public debate. The report “Disinformation...