
The Foundation was set up to help citizens make decisions with all the verified information in hand and to avoid being fooled in the battle against disinformation. It does so through journalism, technology, education and new narratives. Disinformation affects all levels of society and is present in our daily lives; and to do so we develop tools to combat it and generate evidence-based information so that the different actors involved, from legislators to content distribution platforms, including journalists, citizens and governments, have verified data to rely on. We understand our work from listening to the needs of citizens: they ask us and we respond with data, facts and evidence so that they can make their own decisions based on the knowledge of what is a lie. Disinformation affects not only how we vote, but also how we consume, what school we send our children to or what medical treatment we choose; disinformation is designed to manipulate our emotions and appeal to our feelings. is here to support this decision-making process with verified data and facts.

Here is the information available in the registry of foundations and here you can take a look at the statutes of the Foundation, registered in 2019.

Furthermore, was originally established as an association in 2018 that remains operational because there are long-term committed projects.

The statutes of the association are available here.


The current members of the board are: 


  • Clara Jiménez Cruz – President
  • Julio Montes Moreno – Vice President 
  • David Fernández Sancho representing the Maldita Association against disinformation: journalism, education, research and data in new formats – Treasurer
  • Eva Garzón Hernández – Vocal
  • Javier Gómez Pérez – Vocal
  • Javier Cremades – Secretary 

EN La Fundación

EN La Fundación contra la desinformación: periodismo, educación, investigación y datos en nuevos formatos se constituyó en 2019 con tres fundadores que aportaron la dotación inicial de 30.000 euros y posteriormente se convirtieron en patronos de la misma:

  • Clara Jiménez Cruz
  • Julio Montes Moreno
  • La Asociación Maldita contra la desinformación: periodismo, educación, investigación y datos en nuevos formatos

Aquí está la información disponible en el registro de fundaciones y aquí puedes ver los estatutos de la Fundación.

The current members of the board are: 


  • Clara Jiménez Cruz – President
  • Julio Montes Moreno – Vice President 
  • David Fernández Sancho representing the Maldita Association against disinformation: journalism, education, research and data in new formats – Treasurer
  • Eva Garzón Hernández – Vocal
  • Javier Gómez Pérez – Vocal
  • Javier Cremades – Secretary

The Asociation

La Asociación Maldita contra la desinformación: periodismo, educación, investigación y datos en nuevos formatos se constituyó en septiembre de 2018 con cinco fundadores:

  • Clara Jiménez Cruz
  • Julio Montes Moreno
  • David Fernández
  • Ignacio Calle Fernández
  • Stéphane Manuel Grueso Lenoir

The members of the board are:

  • Clara Jiménez Cruz – President
  • Julio Montes Moreno – First Vice President
  • David Fernández – Second Vice President
  • Stéphane Manuel Grueso Lenoir – Treasurer
  • Rocío Benavente – Secretary

Management and editorial team

Both entities function as a single organization with the following organizational chart in the editorial and organizational decision-making positions:


  • Clara Jiménez Cruz. Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
  • Julio Montes. Director
  • Ximena Villagran. Chief Operating Officer (COO)
  • David Fernandez. Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
  • Pedro Santana. Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
  • Carlos Hernández-Echevarría. Deputy to the Directorate and Coordinator of public policies and institutional development


  • Ana Gómez Parra. Editorial coordinator
  • Cristina Armunia. Editor
  • Pablo Hernandez. Academic research coordinator
  • Natalia Diez. Disinformation editor


  • Carmen Mesa. Cursed Hoax Coordinator
  • Laura García Merino. Cursed Science Coordinator
  • Patricia Ruiz Guevara. Damned Technology Coordinator
  • Beatriz Lara. Community Coordinator
  • Lucia Gómez. Coordinator of Maldita Educa
  • Stephane M. Grueso. Audiovisual Coordinator
  • Claudia Ocaranza. Alliances and Innovation Coordinator.

EN Consejos asesores

EN Nuestro equipo es maravilloso pero también consciente de que no lo sabe todo sobre todo. De la misma manera que recurrimos a los superpoderes de los malditos para que nos ayuden en la lucha contra la desinformación, también creamos consejos asesores que apoyan con su conocimiento determinados proyectos y vigilan la independencia de los mismos de los intereses económicos que en ocasiones los financian. El objetivo es que actúen como fuentes de conocimiento y a la vez que mantengan una vigilancia constante sobre los contenidos que se publiquen como parte del proyecto, señalando y corrigiendo cualquier error o falta de rigurosidad que pudiéramos cometer.

EN A día de hoy están en activo:

  • Consejo Asesor de Maldita Alimentación: Sabemos que la información sobre lo que comemos está rodeada de intereses comerciales que pueden poner en duda su rigurosidad. Por eso Maldita Alimentación contará con un consejo asesor externo formado por cuatro profesionales de distintas áreas relativas a la alimentación y los alimentos:
    • Gemma del Caño
    • Miguel Ángel Lurueña
    • Beatriz Robles
    • Daniel Ursúa

EN Puedes leer sus biografías completas aquí.


The Foundation is an independent organization that responds exclusively to the methodologies existing on this page and to the editorial criteria of its editorial staff. Although we do not sign the information because many of them are the result of a group effort and because it is a way of protecting journalists from individual attacks by deniers and disinformation providers, the biographies of the members of this team are public and you can find them here. Our entire team is governed by a policy of neutrality and an ethical code to protect this independence. Our rectification policy, our accounts and the activities, alliances and projects of which we are a part are also public. is a non-profit foundation. This means that it does not belong to any media or company, that no one can buy it and that it is not dedicated to making money for its shareholders because it does not have any. The Foundation belongs to civil society. We don't have advertising, but sometimes, if it aligns with our mission of fighting disinformation, we can collaborate with companies or institutions and charge for it. In that case, we sign contracts that protect our editorial independence and include a clause that allows us to make the agreements public. In all cases, each of these revenues will be reflected in our accounts so that you can consult them and we will also explain what any collaboration consists of. We will never accept any type of agreement that allows someone to tell us what we have to publish. Also, if in our articles we talk about any company or institution with which we collaborate at present, we will make sure to mention it.

At the Foundation we believe that transparency is fundamental: you have the right to know who is behind this project, how decisions are made, where the money comes from and how we spend it because is also yours. We know that this is important for you to continue believing in us, which is why we want to explain everything to you.


Our methodologies, as well as our rectification and neutrality policies, are public and you can find them here.

Our team is governed by an Ethics Code that you can read here.