







50k registered users

50k chatbot users

3,200 knowledge donations

1.5m social media followers


+20 organisations

15 countries

4 continents

03 / 06 / 2021 wins the European Press Prize 2021: European Journalism Award for its WhatsApp chatbot

We are very excited! After three years among the finalists of the European Press Prize this 2021 we have won the European Journalism Prize in the...

03 / 06 / 2021

Disinformation on WhatsApp:' chatbot and the "Frequently Forwarded" attribute

«Disinformation on WhatsApp:’ chatbot and the ‘Frequently Forwarded’ attribute» is a report that analyzes the importance...

28 / 05 / 2021

Maldito Dato GO Award! to the civil society of the Provincial Council of Valencia for bringing the...

Maldito Dato has won the award for Open Government Dissemination in Media and Social Networks in the 3rd edition of the GO! Awards for civil society...

23 / 05 / 2021

Why has partnered with the IFCN to ask European fact-checkers about EU policies against...

We have reached out to more that 40 independent fact-checking organizations in 26 European countries to invite them to participate in a large survey...

15 / 05 / 2021

The type of disinformation that steals from you and other hoaxes from the 2nd quarter of 2021: new...

Our latest quarterly report on trends in misinformation is now available : ‘Public Policies so you don’t get caught’. You can download...

13 / 05 / 2021

FAD and launch a social awareness campaign for teenagers and young people to learn how to...

«No more haters. Break the chain of hate!» is an initiative by FAD and with the support of to analyze and prevent hate speech...

07 / 05 / 2021

How to subscribe to Maldita’s Twitch channel with Prime

Every day from Monday to Friday starting at 12:55 you can find us in the Maldita Twitchería talking about science data corruption or debunking...

03 / 05 / 2021 member of IBERIFIER: the Observatory that will analyze disinformation in Spain and... will be part of a consortium of Spanish and Portuguese researchers fact-checkers and research centers led by the University of Navarra that...

01 / 05 / 2021

London School of Economics selects as one of 20 small newsrooms for its artificial...

From more than 250 applications Maldito Bulo coordinator Andrés Jiménez MacKellar was selected as one of 20 journalists from Africa Europe and the...

29 / 04 / 2021 nominated for the European journalism award European Press Prize for its WhatsApp service has been selected by the preparatory committee of the European Press Prize as a finalist in the journalistic innovation category for the...

06 / 04 / 2021

The Spanish Association of Pediatrics and join forces to fight vaccine disinformation

With the goal of stopping the spread of hoaxes and disinformation about vaccines in the context of the current COVID-19 pandemic is...

02 / 04 / 2021

International Fact-Checking Day 2021: How fought against hoaxes in the year of the...

It’s International Fact-Checking Day! Today we celebrate our day the day of battling lies after a year in which we have debunked 1000 hoaxes about...