







50k registered users

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19 / 09 / 2022

Presentation of Superpowers in the Maldita Twitchería: we talk to its protagonists

Superpoderosas the project that wants to increase the presence of scientists mathematicians engineers technologists and experts in general...

15 / 09 / 2022 wins IFCN's "Spread the facts" grant to expand the capabilities of its automated chatbot... Foundation is a winner of the «Spread the facts» grant awarded by the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) to support organizations...

14 / 09 / 2022

Superpoderosas: we are looking for more presence of expert women on

Men are quoted as experts in the media three times more than women . is no stranger to these dynamics: of the more than 1000 people who...

31 / 08 / 2022 and Oxfam Intermón install the Frena.Verifica.Comparte campaign on buses in 4 Spanish...

The Frena.Verifica.Comparte campaign seeks to contribute to the fight against misinformation about migrants and provide citizens with information and...

31 / 08 / 2022

Last placements for the Master in journalistic investigation new narratives data fact-checking and...

The Master in Journalistic Research New Narratives Data Fact-Checking and Transparency of Foundation and the Rey Juan Carlos University...

25 / 08 / 2022

Maldita Ciencia wins a FECYT scholarship to promote critical thinking and increase innovation in...

Maldita Ciencia the section of that debunks hoaxes related to science disseminates and explains scientific advances has received aid for...

17 / 08 / 2022

The Craig Newmark School of Journalism at CUNY Google News Initiative and the News Product Alliance...

The Craig Newmark School of Journalism at the City University of New York has selected Ana Gómez Parra editorial coordinator of for its...

01 / 08 / 2022

50 European organizations begin to vote on the approval of the European Code of Professional...

From this Monday August 1th until next September 8th more than 50 independent fact-checkers from more than 30 European countries will be able to vote...

22 / 07 / 2022

Spain's agreements with other countries to resell vaccines should be public: goes to...

The Transparency Council resolved that the government’s agreements with other countries for the donation or resale of vaccines against COVID-19...

19 / 07 / 2022 and Oxfam Intermón launch the Frena.Verifica.Comparte campaign to fight disinformation...

The Frena.Verifica.Comparte campaign aims to contribute to the fight against disinformation about migrants and to provide citizens with information...

08 / 07 / 2022

The new ‘Strengthened European Code on Disinformation’: what it is and what has been the role of...

The agreement includes the main online platforms and other organizations like When the new Digital Services Act comes into effect very...

24 / 06 / 2022

The 2nd edition of the Master's Degree in Investigative Journalism New Narratives Data Fact-Checking...

More media outlets more teachers and financial aid for new students. This is how the II edition of the Master’s Degree in Investigative...