Building Trust:
Engage, Detect, Respond, Protect is a non-profit foundation and leading entity in the fight against disinformation that builds trust at a global level. With more than 50 employees , the foundation carries out its work in more than 35 countries ; collaborating with other stakeholders through its BUILDING TRUST model that seeks to scale the impact of the fight against disinformation at all levels generating scientific evidence and developing technology.

We build PUBLIC TRUST by TRUST FIGHTING DISINFORMATION and promoting transparency through journalism, education, technology, research and policy action.

Our Mission

To provide all actors affected –from legislators and digital platforms to journalists, citizens & educators– with tools, capacities and evidence-based content so that they can make informed decisions, and together we can foster a more resilient, accessible, and trustrworthy media & information ecosystem.

We are global

Our Values

  • Evidence-driven

  • Independence

  • AI & Tech-powered

  • Transparency

  • Non-partisanship

  • Community- driven

Ralated news

15 / 02 / 2024 forms an alliance with seven media outlets in Spain to publish a series of reports to...

Clima Informa is the project of Foundation aimed at preventing misinformation related to climate and the environment by providing accurate...

09 / 02 / 2024

"Don't Let Them Fool You" the theate production by the Foundation closes the 2023 season...

Students from Orange’s «Connected Seniors» programme attended the final performance of «Don’t Let Them Fool You» in 2023 on December...

09 / 02 / 2024 Foundation launches the free course 'All Together Against Hoaxes!' to prevent...

The European Parliament elections will be held on June 9th. Alongside campaign information disinformation that undermines democratic processes will...