26 / 11 / 2020

How We Fight Hoaxes and Misinformation on TikTok

At Maldita.es, we’ve taken the initiative and for the past few months, we’ve been using short videos under a minute to inform you about things that can help you avoid being misled. If you’re unsure what we’re referring to, pay attention: the answer is TikTok (@malditobulo).

If you haven’t seen us discuss scientific topics and hoaxes yet, we’ll make it easy for you. Here are some of the videos we’ve posted on this social platform!

COVID-19 and Masks: Stars of our TikTok

The topics we’ve addressed the most, undoubtedly (and not only on TikTok), are those related to the current health crisis: the COVID-19 pandemic.

We started with simple tips: how to properly put on and take off masks and gloves to reduce the risk of infection


@malditobulo Aprende a quitarte bien los guantes, la mascarilla y a estornudar #coronavirus #covidー19 ♬ sonido original – Maldito Bulo

From there, we got more ambitious. In fact, we created our own Mask Check to help you verify if you’re using it correctly and ensure its effectiveness. Where do you place it when you’re on a terrace or in a bar? Do you change it often enough



@malditobulo ¡Usa el audio y enséñanos cuántos dedos te quedan arriba después del #mascarillacheck! #mascarilla #covid19 #coronavirus #parati #tiktok #mask ♬ sonido original – Maldito Bulo

Speaking of terraces: what do we do with the mask when we sit down for a drink in a bar or restaurant? Here’s what’s next!


@malditobulo Qué hacer con la #mascarilla cuando te estás tomando algo en una #terraza. Más info en maldita.es/malditaciencia #facemask #fyp #parati #covid19 #mask ♬ Face Mask On – Xoro

And since we’re talking about covering noses and mouths, let’s take a moment to tell you that shouting probably increases the risk of contagion. It’s better to speak in a normal tone of voice.


@malditobulo Si bajas el volumen = menos ruido, menos COVID (+ info en Maldita.es) #covid19 #fyp #parati ♬ sonido original – Maldito Bulo

Do you feel like wearing a mask more? No problem! In fact, we’ve also debunked the ultimate false rumor about using them. No, it doesn’t cause hypoxia. Even TikTok knows, and if not:


@malditobulo FALSO, MENTIRA, BULO ❌ Las #mascarillas no provocan #hipoxia. El porqué aquí y en Maldita.es 💪🏽 ¡Que no te la cuelen! #bulo #fyp #parati #covid19 ♬ Ponte Tu Mascarilla – Xl Beatz

And about the recommendation to shave well to ensure the mask does its job? We don’t just tell you about it; we show you!


@malditobulo Tengas 3 o 3 millones de #pelos en la #barba, ten cuidado con ellos al llevar mascarilla. ¿Por qué? Maldita Ciencia te lo explica #AprendeConTikTok ♬ sonido original – Maldito Bulo

We also explain if the infamous Lighter Challenge actually helps check if a mask is valid. Well, it doesn’t help determine if it filters microorganisms or not.


@malditobulo ¿Has hecho el #mecherochallenge? Te contamos si funciona o no. ¡Si tienes dudas, pregúntanos por WhatsApp +34644229319! #fyp #parati ♬ Dubstep Drum Trap Loop Song – Instrumental Music Factory

We haven’t forgotten those who wear glasses. We know that wearing them with a mask has been a hassle for many: fogged-up lenses, impaired vision, irritation… How do we minimize these annoyances? Like this.


@malditobulo Cristales empañados, caídas… evítalo colocándote bien la #mascarilla ¡Más en Maldita.es! #fyp #parati #covid19 ♬ Original Sound – Unknown

For more informative and engaging content, check out our other videos on TikTok.


@malditobulo Ante la duda, Maldita Ciencia es la respuesta. Entra en maldita.es/malditaciencia y que no te la cuelen #fyp #FernandoChallenge #parati #covid19 ♬ Fake Capo – Karetta el Gucci


@malditobulo Ni caso a los bulos: las #mascarillas protegen. ¡Úsalas! Si dudas, Maldita Ciencia es la respuesta (maldita.es/malditaciencia) #fyp #parati #covid19 ♬ Coño (feat. Jhorrmountain x Adje) – Puri

The American elections, Halloween, or general curiosities are also welcome on our TikTok.

Alright, enough about masks and coronavirus for now. At Maldita.es, we don’t just use TikTok to talk about them. For instance, did you know that men can also get breast cancer? Or that wearing a bra does not increase the risk of developing it? On World Breast Cancer Day, we explained these and other related topics.


@malditobulo ¡Que no te la cuelen con los #bulos sobre el #cáncer de mama! Si te llega algo sospechoso de ser falso, mándanoslo por WhatsApp al +34644229319 #fyp ♬ Acoustic Guitar Stroll – Dow Brain

On Halloween, we explained why sometimes when you stare into a mirror, your face appears distorted, whether the fear of clowns really exists, and clarified that it’s not true that cats are stolen for satanic rituals during those dates.


@malditobulo ¿Por qué si te miras al espejo unos minutos con poca luz puedes ver que se te deforma la cara? Más info en Maldita Ciencia 🎃 #Halloween #HoyNoDuermo ♬ Terror – Linc Murdock

False information also circulated about the American elections. Here, we list some of the related hoaxes.


@malditobulo 🇺🇸 Bulos y conspiraciones sobre #Trump y #Biden durante las elecciones en #USA ♬ Hail To The Chief – United States Coast Guard Band

Surely you’ve been warned before that cracking your knuckles isn’t good. If you’re one of those who has this habit, this will interest you:


@malditobulo¿Es perjudicial crujirse los nudillos? Pese a que el sonido pueda ser molesto, todo apunta a que no♬ sonido original – Maldito Bulo

Worms or bugs in strawberries? Are you sure? We’re not. In fact, we conducted the experiment that was proposed on social media, and the result was that we could enjoy them without any extra protein.


@malditobulo ¿Salen #bichos de las #fresas si las metemos en #agua con #sal? #larvas #insecto #strawberry #strawberries ♬ Original Sound – Unknown

Additionally, we’ve used viral audio and video clips to explain interesting scientific facts to you. For example: is it true that avocados have potassium? Why are they green? Imagine if ‘Maldita Ciencia’ were in high school and had to answer these questions. We picture it something like this:


@malditobulo Si! El aguacate tiene #potatsio 🥑 en Maldita te contamos cómo consigue el color verde #aprendecontiktok ♬ sonido original – Yersi Hernandez

We not only use TikTok to address your science-related questions. We also delve into technology! Do you know, for instance, what ‘doomscrolling’ is?


@malditobulo #AprendeConTiktok ¿Qué es el #doomscrolling? Te explicamos este y otros palabros tecnológicos en Maldita.es/malditatecnologia #parati #fyp ♬ Technology Future – TimTaj

And we also have room for a few jokes. This time, the rumor that keeps coming back, or the zombie rumor, to the tune of Oreja de Van Gogh.


@malditobulo ¿Sabes lo que es un #bulo zombi? Entra en maldita.es o preguntanoslo por WhatsApp en el +34644229319 y descúbrelo #fyp #parati #zombie ♬ sonido original – Irene

You too can learn how to determine whether the information you receive is true or not

Want to learn how to distinguish between fake and real information on Twitter? Watch this!


@malditobulo 4 consejos para diferenciar un tuit falso de uno verdadero para que no te la cuelen #aprendecontiktok ♬ Magical (Instrumental) – BLVKSHP

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