23 / 02 / 2022
The journalist Antonio Rubio, director of the Master’s Degree in journalistic investigation, new narratives, data, fact-checking and transparency of the Maldita.es Foundation and the Rey Juan Carlos University (URJC) of Madrid, is one of the recipients of the award double non-fiction from the Ondas Globales Podcast Awards by GAL: The triangle. Recognized by the jury as the Spanish winner ex aequo, the Mexican journalistic production Transportista, a story about the war on drugs on an international scale, has also been awarded in this category .
The foray into the world of podcasts by this master of journalists has been considered worthy of one of the four statuettes ex aequo of the 15 categories in the first edition of the Ondas Globales Podcast Awards, organized by PRISA Audio and Cadena SER together with Spotify, in which 888 candidates from more than 15 countries have participated.
The podcast GAL: El Triángulo, distributed by Podimo and produced by El Cañonazo and The Facto -the latter also collaborate on the Maldita.es master- brings together executioners and victims of the dirty war against ETA when forty years have passed since the first attack of the GAL. For the jury, this production «travels through the depths of one of the darkest episodes in the recent history of Spain, providing new investigations , new revelations, new voices and visions of a yesterday that is unknown to a large part of the audience.
Antonio Rubio ‘s look at the past has prompted judicial investigations and decisions that modify the present and future of journalism and the world in which we live. Some of his journalistic revelations have become news in criminis, as has happened with the GAL, the Reserved Funds, the escape of Luis Roldán, the wiretapping and the CESID papers, the Nécora operation, the Sokoa operation, the revolutionary taxes of ETA, the Zabalza case, the investigations into 11-M, Jesús Gil and corruption in Marbella and the Ellacuría case.
In the Master in journalistic investigation, new narratives, data, fact-checking and transparency, Rubio is clear that «time and new tools are essential to get closer to the truth.» And this is how he presents the future of journalism: as a work that does not remain on the surface, but rather investigates and tells the reality to citizens through data.
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