11 / 01 / 2023

Maldita.es Foundation and PantallasAmigas agree to collaborate to promote responsible use of the Internet and digital security

Maldita.es Foundation and PantallasAmigas agree to collaborate to work on the development of tools and information materials on privacy, data protection and digital inclusion.

This agreement will allow both organizations to develop educational initiatives and activities that allow citizens to coexist in safe digital spaces and expand the impact of the missions of both organizations. PantallasAmigas was born in 2004 with the mission of promoting the safe and healthy use of the Internet and other information and communication technologies, developing educational projects and resources for the training of boys, girls and young people so that they can function in an active but healthy way on the Internet. Its lines of action are educational communication, education in skills for digital life, innovation, transversality with other educational aspects and the promotion of universal values.

PantallasAmigas has been a source of expert information on topics related to the development and control of childhood and adolescence on the Internet. In 2021, PantallasAmigas awarded Maldita Educa for its work in media and digital literacy.

For Maldita.es, education, media literacy and the promotion of critical thinking are fundamental in the fight against disinformation. This alliance is an advance in joint work to search for opportunities that will expand the scope and impact of the tools and content. for citizens in the digital world the promotion of the responsible use of technologies.

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