14 / 12 / 2020

Maldita Ciencia wins the Concha García Campoy Scientific Journalism Award in the Digital Press category

The jury of the Concha García Campoy Prize awarded by the Television Academy decided to grant Maldita Ciencia recognition for «its work bringing science closer to society with depth and simplicity from a fresh and innovative format and for its fight against fake news «.

In this sixth edition of the awards the jury was made up of journalist  Lorenzo Díaz García-Campoy,  the president of the Television Academy  María Casado , the president of FAPE  Nemesio Rodríguez , the honorary president of the Radio Academy  Luis del Olmo,  the director of the CNIO  María Blasco  and the president of the National Association of Health Informants (ANIS)  Graziella Almendral.

In the other categories the winners were:

  • Television:  laSexta/Noche for its commitment to scientific health information in  prime time  and for becoming an information reference to know and understand the concepts and evolution of the pandemic through the voices of experts.
  • Written Press :  Jesús Méndez  for the rigor and journalistic quality of his report  Immunotherapy: The revolution against cancer  for National Geographic.
  • Radio: Sara Tabares  for the rigor and proximity to consumer concerns of the  Pseudoscience in the Supermarket chapter. What products sell us the most lies?  from the Ser Saludable program   on Radio Valencia (Cadena Ser).
  • Career:  Juan Luis Arsuaga  for his brilliant professional career and his talent as a communicator and scientific disseminator.

Maldita Ciencia is the section of Maldita.es dedicated to the fight against misinformation and scientific dissemination related to issues of health, food, physics, chemistry, astronomy, climate, among others, from a scientific and informed perspective .

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