02 / 03 / 2021

“Héctor Hecho does not share hoaxes”: a comic with the keys so that they do not sneak up on you

In “Héctor Hecho does not share hoaxes” you can learn in a fun way what to do when you receive a suspicious video or a screenshot with shady content.  The comic brings 7 tips to learn how to discover lies.

How many times have you read a strange phrase and asked yourself: Is it a hoax? Or perhaps in the middle of a book you doubted the arguments presented that could be biased and confirm your beliefs or prejudices? Maybe the problem is learning to dismantle some conspiracy theories that triumph among a group of students…

In the comic “Héctor Hecho does not share hoaxes” you can learn in a fun way what to do when you receive a suspicious video or a screenshot with shady content. The comic brings 7 tips so you don’t get disinformation.

The comic is a perfect tool to learn in a fun way how to discover lies and can be used as teaching material suitable for students from Secondary School onwards. 

“Héctor Hecho does not share hoaxes” was prepared by the Brazilian data verification center Aos Fatos , in association with the International Fact-Checking Network, of the Poynter Institute . The Spanish edition is provided by Maldita.es and you can download it for free !

We have also created a game to learn in a fun way how to dismantle hoaxes: the Maldita.es comecocos (print it, assemble it and play!).

We know that in the battle against lies, investing in education and promoting critical culture are fundamental tasks. Lies and hoaxes grow every day and the battle against misinformation is more important today than ever. Without media literacy and digital education, in all areas of society, it will be impossible to combat present and future disinformation.

At MALDITA EDUCA we work so that you have the tools to defend yourself and not make decisions based on des. Education, technology, fact-checking and collaboration are the keys so that we can make decisions with all the information in hand.

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